
Meet Labietis (12 pcs)

Original price was: €35.56.Current price is: €30.22.

In ten years of brewing, Labietis has brewed more than 70 different beers - from the foundation of world brewing to unique, herbal experiments. Choosing a beer can be a challenge, so this time you can trust us!
Esam sakomplektējuši 12 alu izlasi, kas vislabāk atspoguļo, ko mēs pārstāvam alus pasaulē:
Aroniju Ragana (berry ale) – 5,1%
Mežs (juniper red ale) – 5,5%
Soho Švītiņš (english bitter) – 4,4%
Pļava (herbal blond ale) – 6,3%
Pelašķu Velns (herbal dark ale) – 9,9%
Trīs Indiāņi (american pale ale) – 5,0%
Ješka (latvian lager) – 5,2%
Pokaiņu mežs (herbal barleywine) – 11,4%
Rūsiņš (caraway rye ale) – 7,9%
Ķirsene (non alcoholic fruit mead) – 0%
Virsaitis (IPA) – 6%
Purva medus (berry mead) – 6,5%

Weight 5.8 kg
Dimensions 26.1 × 19.5 × 15.2 cm