Showing 1–12 of 21 results

  • Sale!


    Tu zini, ka alu iemalko ikdienā un plāno to darīt arī pārredzamā nākotnē. Ieslēdz nedaudz tālredzības un saņem alu 600eur vērtībā vienā piegādē, ikmēneša sūtījumos vai pa kastītei pāris reižu mēnesī. Nopērkot šo abonementu tu saņemsi pirmo no saviem vienreizējiem 100% atlaižu kodiem, kas ļaus tev pasūtīt jebkuru preci no mūsu internetveikala uz sevis izvēlēto adresi, tai skaitā vasaras rezidenci vai nelegālo ballīti pie švāģera. Kolīdz kods būs izmantots, tu pa vienam saņemsi nākamos kodus tik ilgi, kamēr kopējā pasūtīto preču summa nesasniegs 600eur.

    Piemēram, ja katru dienu tavā mājsaimniecībā Pierīgā izgaist pāris pudelītes Meža, tad šis komplekts atrisinās tavu alus ikdienu uz 143 dienām, kuru laikā katru sesto dienu mēs tev atvedīsim svaiga Meža kasti.

    Vai arī tu vari saņemt pirmajā piegādē 24 kastes Meža, kas ir turpat 1/3 paletes. Tu pilnībā pārvaldi alus piegāžu intensitāti. Šī komplekta iegāde nozīmē, ka nākamie 600eur, ko notrieksi alū Labieša internetveikalā, tev izmaksās 500eur.

    Original price was: €600.00.Current price is: €500.00.
  • THREE INDIANS 5% (30L keykeg)

    Fresh, draft beer in eco-friendly packaging. 30L Three Indians Keg will be the perfect replacement for stack of cans and take your hockey game, birthday party or holiday to another level.

    You'll have about 72h to finish the keg. When collecting be prepared to show your ID and sign the acceptance/handover deed and receive the user manual.

    Deposit for the beer dispenser 100 EUR skaidrā naudā on pickup.

    Pick-up only in Riga at the taproom A. Briāna iela 9a-2

  • Forest 5,5% (30L KeyKeg)

    Fresh, draft beer in eco-friendly packaging. 30L Forest Keg will be the perfect replacement for stack of cans and take your hockey game, birthday party or holiday to another level.

    You'll have about 72h to finish the keg. When collecting be prepared to show your ID and sign the acceptance/handover deed and receive the user manual.

    Deposit for the beer dispenser 100EUR in cash on pickup.

    Pick-up only in Riga at the taproom A. Briāna iela 9a-2

  • ARONIA WITCH 5,1% (30L keykeg)

    Fresh, draft beer in eco-friendly packaging. 30L Aronia Witch Keg will be the perfect replacement for stack of cans and take your hockey game, birthday party or holiday to another level.

    You'll have about 72h to finish the keg. When collecting be prepared to show your ID and sign the acceptance/handover deed and receive the user manual.

    Deposit for the beer dispenser 100 EUR skaidrā naudā on pickup.

    Pick-up only in Riga at the taproom A. Briāna iela 9a-2

  • Chief 6% (30L KeyKeg)

    Fresh, draft beer in eco-friendly packaging. 30L Chief Keg will be the perfect replacement for stack of cans and take your hockey game, birthday party or holiday to another level.

    You'll have about 72h to finish the keg. When collecting be prepared to show your ID and sign the acceptance/handover deed and receive the user manual.

    Deposit for the beer dispenser 100 EUR skaidrā naudā on pickup.

    Pick-up only in Riga at the taproom A. Briāna iela 9a-2

  • The dark 5% (30L KeyKeg)

    Fresh, draft beer in eco-friendly packaging. 30L The Dark Keg will be the perfect replacement for stack of cans and take your hockey game, birthday party or holiday to another level.

    You'll have about 72h to finish the keg. When collecting be prepared to show your ID and sign the acceptance/handover deed and receive the user manual.

    Deposit for the beer dispenser 100EUR in cash on pickup.

    Pick-up only in Riga at the taproom A. Briāna iela 9a-2

  • Sun dew 5% (30L KeyKeg)

    Fresh, draft beer in eco-friendly packaging. 30L Sun dew Keg will be the perfect replacement for stack of cans and take your hockey game, birthday party or holiday to another level.

    You'll have about 72h to finish the keg. When collecting be prepared to show your ID and sign the acceptance/handover deed and receive the user manual.

    Deposit for the beer dispenser 100EUR in cash on pickup.

    Pick-up only in Riga at the taproom A. Briāna iela 9a-2

  • 56°49'24"N 21°03'14"E 4,5% (30L KeyKeg)

    Fresh, draft beer in eco-friendly packaging. 30L 56°49'24"N 21°03'14"E Keg will be the perfect replacement for stack of cans and take your hockey game, birthday party or holiday to another level.

    You'll have about 72h to finish the keg. When collecting be prepared to show your ID and sign the acceptance/handover deed and receive the user manual.

    Deposit for the beer dispenser 100EUR in cash on pickup.

    Pick-up only in Riga at the taproom A. Briāna iela 9a-2

  • WITCH OF LIGHT 8% (20L keykeg)

    Fresh, draft beer in eco-friendly packaging. 30L keg of Witch of light will be the perfect replacement for stack of cans and take your hockey game, birthday party or holiday to another level.

    You'll have about 72h to finish the keg. When collecting be prepared to show your ID and sign the acceptance/handover deed and receive the user manual.

    Deposit for the beer dispenser 100EUR in cash on pickup.

    Pick-up only in Riga at the taproom A. Briāna iela 9a-2

  • Mowgli 4,1% (30L Keykeg)

    Fresh, draft beer in eco-friendly packaging. 30L Mowgli Keg will be the perfect replacement for stack of cans and take your hockey game, birthday party or holiday to another level.

    You'll have about 72h to finish the keg. When collecting be prepared to show your ID and sign the acceptance/handover deed and receive the user manual.

    Deposit for the beer dispenser 100 EUR skaidrā naudā on pickup.

    Pick-up only in Riga at the taproom A. Briāna iela 9a-2

  • IMP 5,3% (30L keykeg)

    Fresh, draft beer in eco-friendly packaging. 30L IMP Keg will be the perfect replacement for stack of cans and take your hockey game, birthday party or holiday to another level.

    You'll have about 72h to finish the keg. When collecting be prepared to show your ID and sign the acceptance/handover deed and receive the user manual.

    Deposit for the beer dispenser 100 EUR skaidrā naudā on pickup.

    Pick-up only in Riga at the taproom A. Briāna iela 9a-2

  • Smokey 6,4% (30L keykeg)

    Fresh, draft beer in eco-friendly packaging. 30L Smokey Keg will be the perfect replacement for stack of cans and take your hockey game, birthday party or holiday to another level.

    You'll have about 72h to finish the keg. When collecting be prepared to show your ID and sign the acceptance/handover deed and receive the user manual.

    Deposit for the beer dispenser 100 EUR skaidrā naudā on pickup.

    Pick-up only in Riga at the taproom A. Briāna iela 9a-2
