Our Beers

To evade chaos of listing more than 70 beer varieties we brew, we have split them up in five color coded families. Most of the time the grey family will have simple beers up to 5% alcohol, yellow family will have richer tastes with 4% to 6% ABV, the red family up to 8%, black family above 8% with the purple family reserved for our more crazy brews above 10% ABV. Of course there are exceptions with Wizard being in the purple family with only 7.6% ABV because of the expensive honey and bee products we use to brew it.

To have a better virtual taste of a certain beer we do indicate final gravity, bitterness and colour for all of our brews. While doing this virtual tasting keep in mind that higher final gravity can hide high biterness as well as higher alcohol levels. Or both. And vice versa - a beer with lower final gravity will let the bitterness or alcohol shine through. Or the roastiness, that is indicated by colour in EBC units. With anything under 15EBC being light and all over 60EBC seen as black. Enjoy!