Slightly technical tasting surrounded by tens of tons of beer
Although beer is the second most popular drink in the world after tea, not everyone can make it. A tour of our brewery is a great way to dig into the raw materials, learn about the brewing process and ask engaging questions about the technical nuances. If you are not interested in pumps and heat exchangers, then drinking straight from the tank is the tastiest way to enjoy beer in general. The tour includes a tasting of 4 beers, the duration of the event is up to two hours.
What to gain from participation?
Apmeklējot mūsu craft alus darītavu Eimuros, tu gūsi priekšstatu par to, kā top alus mūsdienīgā mazajā darītavā, kā arī iepazīsies ar dažādām niansēm, kas padara mūsu alu īpašu uz mūsdienu pārsātinātās alus pasaules skatuves.