FULL BOXES from 31.74€

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    TAPEWORM SLAYER 7,2% (12 pcs.)

    Black and fullbodied beer from the heyday of black IPAs in 2014. Dark chocolate mingles with a light fruitiness from Galaxy and Pacific Jade hops, which grows into a serious bitterness on the tongue. Followed by roasted caramel with a warm and lingering aftertaste. Brewed after an award winning homebrew recipe by Dainis Mazkaļķis.


    abv 7.2%
    GRAVITY 1022
    IBU 90
    ebc 100

    Ingredients: water, barley malt, hops, yeast

    Original price was: €39.49.Current price is: €37.69.
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    Anastasia 5,8% (12 gab.)

    When things go wrong or you’re simply feeling tired, it’s good to sit down and reflect, to find someone to confide in or listen to. You can talk with Anastasia or share a moment with her, as this beer says: “Everything is in your hands, you can change anything!”
    If you want to find out who said these words in the film "Anna LOL," enter the ticket raffle here linktr.ee/annalolmovie


    ALK. TILP. 5.8%
    GRAVITY 1018
    RŪGTUMS 19
    KRĀSA 20

    Ingredients: Water, barley malt, ginger, peppermint, hops, yeast

    Original price was: €34.85.Current price is: €33.05.
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    Sun dew 5.0% (12 pcs.)

    A golden ale that leads into the soft freshness of summer sunrise. The intro is dominated by the invigorating scentscape of catnip, which is complemented by the grapefruity notes of Cascade hops. All this is embraced by the fluffy sweetness of wheat, which goes all the way through the aftertaste, where it interwines with traces of citrus.


    ABV. 5.0%
    GRAVITY 1012
    IBU 7
    EBC 8

    Ingredients: watter, hops, catnip, wheat malt, barley malt, yeast


    Original price was: €34.12.Current price is: €32.32.