Miķeļi, or the autumn equinox, is a celebration marking the end of the fruitful part of the year. The harvest should be gathered, and potatoes and other root vegetables should be stored in the cellar. The feast table at Miķeļi should be overflowing with abundance and satiety, and beer should flow like a powerful river that has broken through a dam. This time, Andris Ūpis brings us bean pudding, lamb chops, and a special dessert.


BEAN PUDDING with Smoked Pork Belly

Receptes_mikeldiena_pupinu_pudins_cukas_krutinnaYou will need

For the Bean Pudding

  • 180 g flour
  • 6 eggs
  • 300 ml milk
  • 200 ml water
  • 200 g smoked pork belly
  • 400 g cooked or canned beans
  • 20 g mustard
  • 4 g salt
  • 2 g pepper
  • Rapeseed oil

For the Marjoram and Mint Pesto

  • 40 g marjoram from a jar
  • 10 g mint
  • 10 g parsley
  • 20 g apple cider vinegar
  • 10 g sugar
  • 100 ml rapeseed oil
  • 2 g salt

For the Cabbage

  • 1/2 head of cabbage
  • 100 ml apple cider vinegar
  • 20 g sugar
  • 4 g salt

For the Roasted Beetroot Spread

  • 300 g roasted peeled beets
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 50 g hazelnuts
  • 4 g ground cumin
  • 2 g salt
  • 4 g sugar

For the Marinated Rutabaga

  • 1 rutabaga
  • 100 g honey
  • 100 ml apple cider vinegar
  • 2 g salt

Bean Pudding
Preheat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius. In a bowl, whisk the eggs with a mixer. Add flour, water, and milk to the whipped eggs and continue whisking. Place the prepared batter in the refrigerator for half an hour, then take out a chilled Caraway Croissant, enjoy it slowly, you have time.
While sipping your beer, cut the smoked pork belly into small pieces. Heat a pan and fry the meat, then add the beans and mustard. Grease oven-safe dishes with oil. Divide the beans among the dishes and place them in the oven. When the dishes are hot, pour the pudding batter into them halfway. Continue baking for 15 minutes.

For the Marjoram and Mint Pesto
Blend all ingredients into a smooth paste.

Shave the cabbage into long strips using a peeler. Squeeze the cabbage with your hands to release the juice. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.

Roasted Beetroot Spread
Wrap each beet in foil and bake at 180 degrees Celsius until soft. Cut into smaller pieces. Blend all ingredients into a smooth paste.

Marinated Rutabaga
Wash the rutabaga thoroughly and shave it into long slices using a peeler. Add the remaining ingredients to the rutabaga and mix well.

Which beer to choose?
The bean pie is a hearty snack that is justifiably suited to celebrating Miķeļi or the autumn equinox. All the farm work is done, the harvest is gathered - it's time to fortify oneself. A nutritious pie with fresh Three Indians or spicy Pepper will be just in time.


LAMB CHOP WITH BONE in quince and cumin glaze

Jera_karbonade_ar_kaulinuYou will need
  • 1 kg lamb chop with bone, uncut
  • 10 g ground cumin
  • 100 ml quince syrup
  • 5 g salt
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 1 kg potatoes
  • 50 g butter
  • Rapeseed oil


Lamb Chop

Jēra karbonādi laikus izņem no ledusskapja, lai gaļa ir istabas temperatūrā. Gaļu ierīvē ar sāli un apviļā maltā kumīnā. Pannu ar eļļu uzkarsē ļoti karstu. Uz pannas liec jēru un nobrūnini no visām pusēm. Uz pannas uzlej cidoniju sīrupu un ļauj 5 minūtes karamelizēties. Ar ēdamkaroti laisti karsto sīrupu pār jēru. Uzkarsē cepeškrāsni līdz 180 grādiem. Uz cepamās paplātes izklāj cepampapīru. Liec virsū jēru un cepeškrāsnī cep 20 minūtes. Ja vēlies vidēju gatavības pakāpi, gaļas temperatūrai iekšpusē jāsasniedz 55 grādus. Pirms griez gaļu mazākos gabalos, ļauj tai 10 minūtes atpūsties, neaizmirsti arī par sevi un nobaudi atdzesētu Forefather.

Roasted Flattened Potatoes

Wash the potatoes thoroughly and place them in lightly salted water (about as salty as the water in the Baltic Sea). Cook until they are soft and almost falling apart. Let them cool. Place the potatoes on a cutting board and flatten them with your hand. Pour plenty of oil into a pan and heat it up. Fry the potatoes until they are golden and crispy on both sides. Add butter shortly before the end of frying. Add salt to taste.

Mikeli_alus-receptesWhich beer to choose?

Once you've had a nap after the hearty snack, it's time to continue the feast. If you still have some cabbage or marinated rutabaga left, that's great, because the freshness of the vegetables goes well with the robust lamb and roasted potatoes. If you're a goose lover, then this is the right time to open an Teardrop. But if you still have some mint and marjoram pesto left, don't hesitate to spread it on the roasted potatoes and wash it down with the complimentary Anastasiu (vai Ausmu).


APPLE and PUMPKIN MARSHMALLOWS with apple puree and rose hips

You will need

You will need a sugar thermometer to make the marshmallows. If you don't have one on hand and can't borrow one from your neighbor, I recommend ordering one from an online store.

Zefirs_un_alusFor the Marshmallows
  • 1 kg sour apples
  • 300 g butternut pumpkin
  • 300 g sugar
  • 200 g sugar syrup
  • 200 ml water
  • 20 g gelatin
  • 1 egg

For the Caramelized Oat Flakes and Pumpkin Seeds

  • 100 g oat flakes
  • 100 g peeled pumpkin seeds
  • 100 g sugar

For the Baked Apple Sauce

  • 200 g baked apples and squash leftover from the marshmallow recipe
  • 20 g apple cider vinegar
  • 50 g sugar

For the Quince Syrup Caramelized Rose Hips 

  • 20 rose hips
  • 100 ml quince syrup

The work won't be difficult, but it will take time. So put several cans of your favorite Labietis beer in the refrigerator in advance.

Cut the apples in half and remove the core. Also, remove the seeds from the squash and cut it into pieces the size of the apple halves. Preheat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius. Arrange the apples on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, skin side up. Also, place the squash on the pan and bake until very soft. The time depends on the variety and size of the apples. When the apples have cooled, separate the skin from the apple with a spoon. Do the same with the squash. You will need 175 g of baked apples and 175 g of baked squash for the marshmallows; use the rest for the baked apple sauce. Blend the weighed apples and squash into a puree. Strain the puree through a sieve and let it cool. Heat 100 ml of water. In a deep bowl, add the gelatin and pour hot water over it. In a saucepan, add the sugar, sugar syrup, and the remaining 100 ml of water. Do not stir! This is important! Attach a sugar thermometer to the saucepan and heat the syrup over medium heat to 115 degrees Celsius. When the temperature is reached, remove the saucepan from the heat. Let it cool slightly. Meanwhile, whisk the warm puree with a mixer along with the gelatin and egg white. When the mixture becomes light and the foam is firm, gradually add the warm syrup. You will need help here because the whisking must not be interrupted. Ideally, if you have a stand mixer at home, if not, call a housemate or neighbor. Continue whisking the mixture until it becomes shiny, firm, and airy. In terms of time, it will be about 15 minutes. Line a surface with baking paper. Spoon the prepared mixture

Caramelized Oat Flakes and Pumpkin Seeds
On a dry and warm pan, scatter the oat flakes and toast over medium heat until they turn golden brown. Add sugar and heat until a golden caramel forms. Spread baking paper on a surface. Evenly spread the prepared mixture onto the baking paper. Once the mixture has completely cooled, crush it into fine crumbs.

Baked Apple Sauce

Roughly chop the leftover apples and squash with a knife. Place a pot on the stove. Pour in the apple cider vinegar and add sugar. Once the sugar has melted and the liquid starts to bubble, add the apples and squash. Simmer on low heat for 5 minutes. Remove from the stove and let it cool.

Quince Syrup Caramelized Rose Hips

Cut the rose hips in half and clean out the seeds. I recommend using gloves when doing this. Scatter the rose hips onto a dry and hot pan. Sear them. Reduce the heat to low. Add quince syrup and let it caramelize for 5 minutes. If rose hips are not available, you can use autumn cranberries or raspberries.

Alus_limonade_kirseneWhich beer to choose?

Hopefully, you're not down and out after the lamb and potatoes, but still awake because it's incredibly pleasant to end a hearty meal with dessert. This autumnal marshmallow, which itself resembles a piece of the cloud's edge, pairs perfectly with our experimental series cherry braggot E024. But, if you need to get behind the wheel afterwards, then Ķirsene could be the right choice.